Open Window. Painting by Raimondas Gailiūnas

Published by: VšĮ Kauno modernaus meno fondas

Compilers: Giedrius Andziukevičius, Kristina Budrytė-Genevičė

Authors of texts: Kristina Budrytė-Genevičė, Raimondas Gailiūnas, Raminta Jurėnaitė

Year: 2014

Pages: 111

Format: 30 x 23,8 cm

Book covers: paperback

Language: Lithuanian

    Raimondas Gailiūnas from Rokiškis is one of the mysterious Lithuanian artists of today. Living and exhibiting away from art centers he has not been noticed for a long time by art critics and wider audience. Since 1979 he organized seven exhibitions at the Rokiškis Regional Museum, later moving them to Panevėžys, Biržai or Zarasai. Gailiūnas also exhibited his works at „Angis“ group exhibitions in Vilnius and Kaunas.

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