Marija Teresė Rožanskaitė. X-Rays of Art and Life

Publication in English

Editors: Laima Kreivytė, Mykolas Piekuras

Texts by: Anu Allas, Jurga Armanavičiūtė, Pakui Hardware (Neringa Černiauskaitė and Ugnius Gelguda), Laima Kreivytė, Anders Kreuger, Monika Krikštopaitytė, Inga Lace, Laima Laučkaitė, Agnė Narušytė, Vidas Poškus, Rima Praspaliauskienė, Viktorija Ryžovaitė, Jonas Valatkevičius

Translator: Alexandra Bondarev

Copy editor: Gemma Lloyd

Designer: Evaldas Bubinas (Hermandrowning)

Photographers: Arūnas Baltėnas, Brothers Černiauskai, Vidmantas Ilčiukas, Antanas Lukšėnas, Rimantė Ropytė, Kęstutis Stoškus, Stanislav Stepashko, Gintautas Trimakas, Marija Teresė Rožanskaitė, Igoris Piekuras

Published by MTR Art Foundation, 2024

Printed by Petro ofsetas

Copies: 600

Pages: 323

Dimensions: 29 x 23 cm

The album-dictionary of Marija Rožanskaitė‘s works is an assemblage of the artist‘s thoughts, published articles, and exclusive texts in the form of a book. Consisting of rich archival, manuscript and previously published material, the map of Rožanskaitė‘s practice highlights the key themes and works and the artistic and political context. The catalogue encompasses reflections on the artist's early creative period to her latest works through an interdisciplinary lens, spanning photography and medical anthropology.
Laima Kreivytė
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