Aldona Snitkuvienė. Lithuania and Ancient Egypt (Late 16th - Early 21st Century)

Lithuania and Ancient Egypt (Late 16th - Early 21st Century): In the Footsteps of Travelers, Collectors and Scientists
Author: Aldona Snitkuvienė
Publisher: M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art
Year: 2011
Pages: 280
ISBN: 978-9955-471-32-5
Dimensions: 21,7 x 27,5 x 2,6 cm, hardcovers
Language: Lithuanian

The book "Lithuania and Ancient Egypt (Late 16th - Early 21st Century): In the Footsteps of Travelers, Collectors and Scientists" reveals the influence of Egyptian civilization on Lithuanian culture. The author Aldona Snotkuvienė discusses Lithuanian travels to Egypt and their descriptions, presents scientists collectors and their collections. The publication talks about Egyptian antiquities preserved in Lithuanian museums and tells the history of all surviving and non-surviving exhibits.
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