Abracadabra. Antanas Martinaitis & Co.'s mimicry, psychedelics

Author: Ramutė Rachlevičiūtė

ISBN code: 9786099623726

Release year: 2023

Publisher: Lithuanian section of the International Association of Art Critics

Language: Lithuanian

The publication contains drawings from the collection of Laima Drazdauskaitė, which consists of about 530 surreal drawings made using the automatic drawing method. Due to political allusions and eroticism, there are a lot of unthinkable thoughts and unfulfilled desires in them. Ričardas Povilas Vaitiekūnas formed the company for A. Martinaičius, Edmundas Saladžius, sculptor Rimantas Šulskis, and graphic artist Marija Danutė Jukniūtė joined later. Although this is the truest creation "from the drawer", the dissemination of these deserters from the artistic life of the Soviet era is still difficult.

The designer of the book is Aušra Lisauskienė.

Published by the Lithuanian section of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA), partially financed by the Lithuanian Culture Council.

The project partner is the National M. K. Čiurlionis Art Museum.

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